Congress preparations are progressing nicely


We would like to thank all the authors for their work in preparing abstract submissions to the conference. We received more than 200 proposals for presentations. Great topics and fresh ideas.

The programme committee gathered in Helsinki to compile the congress program in the beginning of March. There is still, work to be done, but the program is starting to take shape.

The Programme Committee selects the abstracts and the authors are informed around the end of March. Program will be published 2nd May 2019.

Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA) is organizing Nordiwa2019 in co-operation with Nordic water and wastewater associations and  IWA representatives from Nordic countries. This year, the programme committee ha also a representative from Estonia.

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NORDIWA2019 will be held in Helsinki, Finland 23 – 25 September 2019. The venue of the conference is Clarion Hotel Helsinki.


The programme committee worked hard on the premises of FIWA in Helsinki to compile an outstanding program.